Sunday, June 20, 2004

Knitting doesn't hurt my back

As I've mentioned before, I'm in pain. It seems to be worse at night but this morning, it's pretty bad.

Yesterday, I went to see my parents. My back was hurting but I managed to sit and knit while talking to them. It is with great bliss that I tell you that knitting does not aggravate the back pain in any way.

I'm a little farther along on the sweater and hope to get a little more done on it today.

Full shot:

Close-up, so you can see there is actual progress:

I'm just working along and hoping that when the time comes to cut, I'll be prepared and BRAVE.

I finished reading the Magic Loop Instructions in the book. Now all I have to do is try it. I have no idea why I'm so apprehensive. Why in the world am I just struck with fear for trying something new?

I'm going to just try to bite the bullet and cast-on.

Going to try to read either Knitting Workshop or Knitting Around for a little comfort, inspiration, and technique. Maybe it will help ease my fear of the Magic Loop, dpn's, and cutting.

Let's hope so.


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