Wednesday, July 20, 2005

Afghan Progress, The Meeting, and Family

Sometimes you need a little good news and a few good times.

My brother is visiting from out-of-town. I'm very excited because it's been over two years since I've seen him.
We're going to hit a few sites and take in an amusement park or two. We had a Welcome Home Party last Saturday. It was nice but much larger than I anticipated. I don't throw parties, so I'm glad this event was hosted by my parents. There were way to many people there for me. It was great seeing everyone but I don't handle large crowds well. They drain me, even if I adore the people in attendance.

This has been the first time in years that all of my parent's grandsons have been together in one house in a very long time. They played well together. Each has a different personality. Out of the three, my son is the oldest, and the shortest.

As far as knitting goes, I have managed to get in a few rows of my mom's afghan. I'm hoping she'll be pleased. She asked how long it would take to finish. She was guessing at a little under a year. I like the way she thinks. I told her it would be finished way before then.

Hopefully, it will be done by Christmas. It's a small ghan, rather than a large one. Therefore, it won't require quite as many stitches. My goal was just to make an afghan for her, since she requested one, and because I like to be able to do nice things for my mother. She also wanted it to be a persoanl item, which dictated a smaller size.

I'm enjoying watching the pattern develop. I'll make one of these again, possibly larger the next time.

I have a Guild meeting tonight. I'm going to try to make it there but I'm not sure. The only drawback is they are planning to do Fun Fur Flip Flops tonight!!! Anyone who knows me even a little bit knows I'm not fond of this idea in the least. I do, however, want to see what everyone is knitting and see if any events for the future are in the works.

I enjoyed the guild's shawl meeting a few months ago . It was good to see knowlegeable, friendly knitters and to be able to ask questions. I didn't ask any questions but I liked that the opportunity was available to me.

I pray there is opportunity for that tonight, before or after the Fun Fur, if I go.


Blogger Maureen said...

The afghan is coming along so well! I do love thepattern stitch. Did you mention where the pattern is from? I'm with you.. crowds exhaust me as well! Glad you got to see your family!

July 22, 2005 at 8:59 AM  
Blogger Kim said...

So, do you have a brand new pair of fun fur flip flops?? LOL!

Cute pic of your little boy :o)

July 22, 2005 at 3:19 PM  

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