Wednesday, March 07, 2007

It's March

It's March and that means that daffodils and jonquils should be popping up soon. Each year I consider attending the Daffodil Festival and each year I find myself doing something else. Will this year be different? I'm not sure. I just know I'll be so happy to see those beautiful flowers in bloom.

I've still been torn about what to knit next. I've been really wanting to knit my socks but my heart just won't let me. I feel like I need to do some comfort-knitting.

I thought I might try the Adamas shawl, the Peace Shawl, or the Seaescape Shawl. So far, I haven't started any of them. I just look at the patterns and the yarn, and then go work on stuff for my family reunion instead.

I have managed to finish two squares for the Blanket of Hope that Rebekah is assembling at Knit-Knack for a friend of hers named Kevin. I'm planning to knit one more. If you can help, It would be great.

In life news, I lost my job, again, and was re-hired, again, but part-time. The job hunt has officially begun. So much for a shopping spree during Knitta-Palooza!


Blogger Sheila said...

Good luck on your new job search... Can't wait to see which shawl project you decide to work on.

March 8, 2007 at 6:07 PM  

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