Tuesday, December 07, 2004

The New Knitty is Up

I'm always excited when the new Knitty comes out. Even if I don't like all the patterns, I like seeing different techniques and different people's ideas.

My son was sitting with me as I eagerly waited for the pictures to download on the pattern page. Before I even noticed the page had downloaded, he started yelling about the penguin. I will have to check the stash for yarn for Pasha.

I also decided I liked Tempting and Mariah.

I've only used a chart twice, so I'm planning to read over Charts are Your Friends and I'm always pleased with Techniques with Theresa. If you've ever pondered writing your own patterns, take a peek at this.

While I'm sure they rejected some good patterns and some good articles, I still enjoy their season patterns and surprises.

I like Knitty...a lot.


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